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Business travellers

A smarter way to travel


Your office? On the way.

Take your work on the road. You’ll reach your destination and the end of your to-do list at the same time.


Take advantage of our best rates to book your seat in Business class.

Find your tickets



Now travelling between Québec City, Montréal, Ottawa and Toronto.

Prepare your trip



With perks like these, you’ll arrive relaxed, well-fed and ready to enjoy your destination.

Find out what’s included.

Chartered car

#corporate clients


Book your own train car and start your meetings and events on the right track.

conference fares

#corporate clients


Get a discount on the best-available fare in all classes for people attending your event.

Your business travel experience begins the second you book your ticket

Easy and efficient ways to manage your trip.

Flexible booking

Change of plans? With flexible booking, you can cancel your reservation at any time before departure. Sign in to manage or modify your trip.



Join VIA Préférence now to start collecting points towards reward trips.



Subscribe to our train alert service and follow your train in real-time on our tracking map.

See what you can bring on board. Before you get packing, please read our baggage policy carefully, as it contains important information about carry-on baggage, checked baggage, and special items.



Travel in Business class and maximize your comfort level on board.

Choose your seat and get through your to-do list in the calm and comfort of Business Class!

Business trips you'll love

Spacious seats, free Wi-Fi, delicious meals. Why waste time driving when you can be productive and comfortable?

Wi-Fi on board


We'll take care of the travel while you get some work done

Business lounge


Enjoy the peace and quiet of our Business lounges to relax or get some work done. All of our Business lounges are equipped for your comfort, and offer a ton of perks, such as spacious seats, free drinks and more!

Snacks & Drinks


Enjoy a full meal in Business class, or a selection of great snacks and catered meals from our Economy menu.

Cocktails and bar


From local wines and beers to a nice cup of tea, you'll love our selection.


Pay your parking with your phone

This service is offered in these stations:
  • -Sainte-Foy
  • -Kingston
  • -Belleville
  • -Fallowfield
  • -Brockville
  • -Cornwall
Download the app

Dedicated to making your journey a seamless one!

We've joined forces with our partner carriers to offer more destinations and departure cities. And with most partners, you can make a single ticket purchase for your entire trip.

Connecting services


Travel by taxi, shuttle or public transit with many mixed-mode commuting options available from our stations.

Shuttle service


With our rail-to-air connection services, you can get from station-to-airport easily.

Check our shuttle service

A hotel close to the station

From the comfort of the train to the peace and quiet of your hotel in just minutes.


by Tripadvisor

Photo credit: @punkodelish

by Tripadvisor


by Tripadvisor

VIA Préférence #Loyalty program

Start collecting points towards reward trips

With VIA Préférence, you’ll earn points for every trip you take, and you can redeem those points for more travel. And you’ll love this! VIA Préférence offers a Welcome Bonus of 500 points to members who complete $250 worth of travel within their first six months of registration.

Join now
Train Stories

Ottawa, Ontario
Tips and Tricks

Train Stories

The pleasure of safe travel

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